What are cookies?
Cookies are simple text files generated by our site, which you can find on your computer, mobile phone or any device from which you browse our website. These files are generated by our website. Each cookie is adapted to your browser, so it is unique. Data that cannot be linked to the user, such as a unique identifier, the domain name of the website, and some numbers and figures.
What kind of cookies do we use?
Necessary cookies
Necessary cookies enable you to have the best possible user experience during your visits, when you navigate the site and use the available functions. They work when you create a user account and when you log in to access the content you create.
Functional cookies
With these cookies, we operate the functions you have customized on our site, for example, we can recognize the user and the website remembers the settings left on your previous visits.
Analytical cookie
These cookies enable us and other parties to collect data about our visitors for statistical purposes. These do not contain personal data about the user, such as name or contact information, and we only use them to further improve our services.
Allowed by our cookie policy, I accept the use of cookies generated by our website.
How to delete a cookie?
If you want to disable or perhaps delete previous cookies, you can do so in your browser settings.
Find us!
If you have any questions about the cookie policy or cookies, feel free to contact our staff.